StoptheTories now say LibDem is the best tactical vote for Newton Abbot, BestforBritain recommend Labour. (Also see: Vote Climate and You Gov)

For other constituencies: Political Primary Network
Let's be clever and vote together
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"This simple, local idea, which enhances our trust in each other, could transform our political system"

We need bold new leadership for the challenges ahead but our failing voting system favours the status quo.

Our Conservative MP is predicted to win again on just a third of the vote. With a divided opposition, the Conservatives take this area for granted.

The Primary helps us choose a single opposition candidate for the next general election

Losing candidates will remain on the ballot paper

The Conservative party has always been a big tent, spanning a huge range of views from the likes of John Major and Dominic Grieve to Kwasi Kwarteng and Liz Truss who helped crash our economy.

But the opposition is fragmented, giving this irresponsible government absolute power on a minority vote.

Let's rally behind a single progressive candidate whose values the majority of us share.

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If you are in another constituency where the Conservatives are polling to win on a minority, and you're interesting in replicating this primary, please sign up for info at our umbrella organisation, Political Primary Network.